Maneiras Estúpidas de Morrer no Videogame

Fox Xavier | 23:45 | 0 comentários

Baseado no genial viral do metrô australiano "Dumb Ways To Die" (se ainda não viu, faça isso agora!), o canal Megasteakman fez uma paródia muito bem produzida, exceto pela parte da dança dos personagens.

"Dumb Ways To Die in Video Games" retrata uma série de situações que todo bom gamer já deve ter passado em suas aventuras digitais. Correr com o Sonic sem oxigênio na fase da água, confundir sua tela com a do segundo jogador ou ser alvejado por um membro da sua própria equipe são algumas situações citadas pela letra.

Você pode assistir o vídeo e letra abaixo. Confira e não esqueça de comentar dizendo o que você achou!

(Sonic) You can run out of air
(Assassins creed) Miss a ledge that isn't there
(Mario) you think you are player two
(Zelda) Go into town and abuse cuckoos

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie
So many dumb ways to die

(Smurfs) Running into some grass
(Halo) Your team-mate being an ass
(Rock Band) Getting boo'd off the stage
(Mortal Kombat) Die getting sacked by Johnny Cage

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie
So many dumb ways to die

(Minecraft) Let a creeper in
(GTA3) There's no button to swim
(Goldeneye) That stupid bitch always dies
(Portal) Not believing that the cake is a lie

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die-ie-ie
So many dumb ways to die

(Tetris) leave a gap in your stack
(Xcom) Trigger an alien attack
(World of Warcraft) Getting ganked by a rogue
(Battletoads) That one f***ing level in Battletoads

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to di-ie-ie-ie
So many dumb ways to die

(Oregon Trail) Trying to ford that river and get dysentery
(Pokemon) You beat the elite 4, but you lose to Gary
(League of Legends) Face check a bush when your teammates aren't there
(Team Fortress 2) When theres demo stickies just everywhere
(Resident Evil) Slow on the draw for a quicktime event

It may not rhyme but it's quite possibly
The dumbest ways to die
The dumbest ways to die
The dumbest ways to die-ie-ie-ie
So many dumb
So many dumb ways to die


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